As astrologers, we know that eclipses have long been associated with major political and societal shifts. The upcoming eclipses will, of course, have an effect on the U.S. presidential elections, which present a crucial moment not only for America but for the world. While I could delve into this topic extensively, I’d like to focus on a specific technique that I have found invaluable in political astrology: the Arabic Parts.

Earlier this year, at the Astrological Association (AA) conference, I had the privilege of speaking on the Arabic Parts, particularly in the context of pricing agricultural products. However, Arabic Parts are not limited to just one area. They can be applied across various sectors, including politics, finance, and even personal growth. One of the most significant contributions to our understanding of Arabic Parts comes from the late Robert Zoller, whose work with Bonatti has left a lasting legacy in the field.

In this article, I will focus on three prominent Arabic Parts that are particularly relevant when analyzing the charts of political leaders, rulers, and kings. These parts can offer valuable insights into who holds power and how that power is expressed or challenged in an election context.

The Part of Power: Pars Regni

ASC + Moon – Mars (D)
ASC + Mars – Moon (N)

The first and perhaps the most significant Arabic Part for political leaders is the Pars Regni, often referred to as the Part of Power or Ruling Authority. As its name suggests, it represents one’s ability to lead, govern, and wield authority. In the context of an election, the Pars Regni can provide insights into who holds the upper hand in terms of political influence and control.

The Part of Nobility: Pars Nobilitatis

ASC + 19°Aries – The Sun (D)
ASC + 03° Taurus – The Moon (N)

Another crucial part in the evaluation of political figures is the Pars Nobilitatis, or the Part of Nobility. This part is closely tied to the concept of honor, virtue, and social status. When evaluating this part, it’s essential to understand its relationship to both the Sun and the Moon. Interestingly, we use two distinct formulas to calculate Pars Nobilitatis—one for day charts and one for night charts:

  • For day charts, we consider the Sun, which is exalted at 19° Aries, giving a sense of prominence and honor.
  • For night charts, we shift to the Moon, which is exalted at 3° Taurus, representing the deep emotional connection a leader may have with the public.

By analyzing Pars Nobilitatis, we gain a clearer understanding of the leader’s inherent virtue, their ability to inspire, and how the public perceives them.

The Part of Excellence: Pars Excelientia Atque Nobilitatis

ASC + Fut(D) – For(D)
ASC + Fut(N) – For (N)

The Pars Excelientia, or the Part of Superiority, is a unique Arabic Part that speaks to the excellence and distinction a leader possesses. This part is calculated based on the Part of Spirit and the Part of Fortune, two parts that have been revered by classical astrologers throughout history. Like the Pars Nobilitatis, the day and night charts have distinct formulas for the Part of Excellence. It is essential to examine both the part itself and its ruling planet to understand the kind of superiority or mastery the individual holds.

In a leader’s chart, these Arabic Parts—and their ruling planets—become critical indicators of how the person may perform in positions of power or how they will be perceived by the electorate.

Applying Arabic Parts to the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election

Now, let’s apply these Arabic Parts to the charts of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump using the Libra Ingress chart—the moment when the Sun enters 0° Libra, marking a new season and offering a preview of the coming months. This ingress chart can provide a wealth of information about the political landscape and how these leaders may fare.

Kamala Harris presents an interesting case:

  • Pars Regni (Part of Power) for Kamala Harris falls in the 1st house of the ingress chart, placing her in a strong position of authority. The 1st house is always significant in any chart, as it represents the self and the image projected to the world.
  • The Pars Nobilitatis (Part of Nobility) in the ingress is located in Taurus, and its ruler, Venus, is in the 1st house as well, closely conjoining Kamala’s Sun. This conjunction enhances her standing, suggesting that she is aligned with the values of the public and can effectively represent their interests.
  • The Pars Excelientia (Part of Excellence) in the ingress falls at 17° Gemini, forming a harmonious trine aspect with Kamala’s Pars Regni, further boosting her superiority in this election.

These placements suggest that Kamala Harris has significant astrological support for success, particularly in terms of her connection to the public and her ability to project strength and authority.

Now, turning to Donald Trump:

  • Trump’s Pars Regni is in opposition to the Pars Excelientia in the ingress chart. This opposition indicates a potential clash or obstacle in terms of his ability to exert power or influence.
  • The rulers of both the Pars Regni and the Pars Excelientia in the ingress chart are Mercury, and Trump’s Sun at 22° Gemini forms an exact square to Mercury in the ingress chart. This square suggests tension and challenges, particularly in how Trump communicates his authority and vision to the public.

Given these aspects, it’s clear that while Trump faces squares and oppositions, Kamala benefits from conjunctions and trines, which, astrologically speaking, places her in a more favorable position in this election cycle.

The Importance of Arabic Parts in Election Charts

The power of the Arabic Parts lies in their ability to offer nuanced insights into the dynamics of leadership and governance. By calculating and analyzing these points, we can gain a deeper understanding of the forces at play in any election. I encourage you to save these formulas and apply them to your own election charts. As you explore their use, feel free to share your findings with me—Arabic Parts continue to offer fresh insights with each chart we examine.

Final Thoughts

As the 2024 U.S. elections approach, it’s crucial to recognize the significance of the Arabic Parts in understanding political dynamics. These parts offer a framework that transcends traditional planetary aspects, allowing for a richer and more detailed interpretation of leadership potential and public perception.

I’ve spoken about this topic before, particularly at the Cosmic Intelligence Agency (CIA), and I encourage those interested to explore further through their platform, where I’ve shared more detailed analyses of political leaders and elections using Arabic Parts.

In closing, I look forward to seeing how these powerful techniques reveal themselves in the coming months. Let’s continue our exploration of astrology’s vast and rich tradition as we apply ancient wisdom to modern political events.

Kenan Yasin Bölükbaşı
Experimental Astrologer
ISAR Cap, mAPAI, OPA, C*I*A Agent 104 and European Representative.

References and Suggested Reading

To delve deeper into the Arabic Parts and their application in both traditional and modern astrology, I highly recommend exploring the following works, which have been invaluable in my own research and practice:

Zoller, Robert. Arabic Parts: A Lost Key to Prediction. This pivotal work by Robert Zoller explores the forgotten art of Arabic Parts and their crucial role in predictive astrology. It provides detailed insights into how these ancient techniques can be applied to modern astrological practice, particularly in areas such as politics and leadership.

Green, H.S. Mundane or National Astrology. A classic text that remains a foundational resource for understanding the use of astrology in global and national events. Green’s work highlights key techniques in mundane astrology, offering guidance on how to analyze events through planetary movements and aspects in political charts.

Bonatti, Guido. Liber Astronomiae: The Book of Astronomy. One of the most comprehensive medieval texts on astrology, Bonatti’s work is indispensable for understanding traditional astrology’s approach to predictive techniques, including the use of Arabic Parts. His insights into political astrology and leadership are still relevant today.

Nicholas Campion, Michael Baigent, and Charles Harvey. Mundane Astrology: The Astrology of Nations and States. A modern classic in the field of mundane astrology, this book provides in-depth analysis and techniques for astrologers who wish to focus on national and international events. It blends traditional methods with contemporary insights.

Ramesey, William. Astrologia Munda: Or Astrology in General. This 17th-century work remains an essential text for astrologers interested in mundane astrology. Ramesey’s approach offers detailed techniques on how to read charts for nations, states, and leaders, with a special emphasis on eclipses and political outcomes.

By studying these works, you’ll gain a greater understanding of the power of Arabic Parts in both predictive astrology and mundane (world) astrology. These sources provide essential tools for interpreting political, social, and global events through an astrological lens.